IPTC EXTRA - The EXTraction Rules Apparatus

An Open Source Platform for Rules-Based Classification of News Content

Longer Term Plan

If the EXTRA platform prototype succeeds, IPTC would seek to pursue two goals, to make the effort sustainable over the long term:

  • Software deployed as a service within news organizations
  • Vibrant open source community

If one or more news organizations around the world deploys the EXTRA software, then we will have confirmed the demand for this solution to news classification. We can continue to build additional features and fix any bugs. A key goal will be to expand the example rule sets to the full set of languages supported by the IPTC Media Topics and, if there is demand, to expand the set of languages beyond English, French, Spanish and German.

For the long term, IPTC would aim to build up a vibrant open source community around the software.